Does a motorcycle battery charge while riding? Detail Overview

does a motorcycle battery charge while riding
does a motorcycle battery charge while riding

One of the most crucial parts of motorcycles that help them keep running is the rechargeable battery embedded into the vehicle structure. Most modern motorcycles have many electric components that consume a lot of power. So the question everyone gets into is how does a motorcycle battery generate such an amount of power continuously without running out of juice.

So, Does a motorcycle battery charge while riding?  Yes, a motorcycle battery gets charged while riding, with the help of a stator embedded inside the engine that spins with the help of a crankshaft and generates an adequate amount of electricity to charge the motorcycle battery.  

The stator is much similar to an alternator used inside a car. But due to limited space, a stator is more suitable for a motorcycle.  As soon as the engine starts running the stator produces an alternate current which is turned into a Direct current with the help of a rectifier and transferred to the battery of the motorcycle with the help of a regulator. Thus the battery gets continuously charged while the rider is riding the motorcycle. 

So now you know that how your motorcycle battery gets its never-ending juice from. But there is much more to it. Like how does the system works to charge the battery while you are riding?.

How does the battery get charged while riding the motorcycle?

A motorcycle is consists of a stator made up of spokes coiled with copper wire and a flywheel embedded with a permanent magnet, attached to the crankshaft.

As the motorcycle starts running the crankshaft rotates the flywheel around the spokes, which generates electricity to charge the battery and power other electrical equipment in a motorcycle. This power is converted with the help of a rectifier and transferred to the battery and other electric equipment with the help of a regulator that maintains the required voltage a battery needs.

In order to produce enough electricity to charge the battery, the motorcycle is needed to be rev at more than 3K RPM. Thus it becomes crucial to riding a bike for a while in order to charge the battery. If the motorcycle is turned off or simply idling then it will not produce and power to charge the battery.

So as of now, you know how riding helps in charging the motorcycle battery. You may have come across another question like how long it will take if you want to charge the battery by riding. Well, keep reading as we have some more info about it.

How long does it take to charge a motorcycle battery by riding?

The motorcycle is needed to be run for nearly 30 minutes at 3 thousand to 6 thousand RPM in order to get an adequate amount of power to charge the motorcycle battery. However, the charging time depends upon the power capacity of the battery and the speed of the motorcycle.

A motorcycle battery generally gets charged between 13.5 to 14.5 volts. And in order to charge the battery, the motorcycle engine needs to be rev at 3K to 6K RPM. If the RMP is increased substantially then the time period to charge the battery decreases. 

And in some cases, if the motorcycle is consists of a magnetic stator. Then it is needed to be run at more than 5 thousand RPM to generate power. Other than this if you turn off other electronic components of the motorcycle then it will be very helpful to charge the battery more efficiently.  

On the other hand, if you are riding a motorcycle with a heavily depleted or dead battery then charging a battery through riding will not be a good idea. As it could take several hours of riding to get some initial charge in the battery.

In such a case it is more advisable to fully charge your motorcycle battery with the help of a trickle charger. As riding a motorcycle to charge a dead battery will not be the right way to go around. 

So does it means that one should not rely on riding a motorcycle to charge the battery? Keep reading further to know more about it.

Should you rely on riding the motorcycle to charge the battery?

You should not rely on charging a motorcycle battery only by riding. The motorcycle battery only gets charged when the engine is running for prolong time at a certain RPM. Thus it could take several hours to charge a battery if it is completely depleted.

And, if you have a fuel-injected bike then it will become impossible to start the motorcycle with a depleted battery and charge it through riding.

The Stator inside a motorcycle is designed to provide the required power supply to the electrical components and to charge the battery. But, relying solely on riding will not be sufficient if the battery is completely depleted.

Here, a stator would not be an effective choice and you will need to use an external source of electricity to charge the battery. However, the charging system in a motorcycle is designed to charge the battery whenever the rider rides the motorcycle.

But it only works effectively if you ride more often. If you drive a motorcycle occasionally then there are chances that you meet with a dead or depleted battery. In such a case you should use a trickle charger to charge the battery instead of relying on charging through riding.

Now if you are thinking that why would my battery get dead if I do not drive over a course of time. Doesn’t it gets charged automatically if it is parked in my garage?. Well here is what you need to know.


Can a motorcycle run without a battery?

Yes, a motorcycle that consists of a magneto and a kick starter is capable of running without a battery. However, motorcycles with Higher CC, that have fuel injection, electronic ignition, and other essential equipment running on electricity will not be able to run without a battery. Protection Status