How often should you replace the oil filter on a motorcycle? Detail Guide

Changing Motorcycle Oi filter in TVS
Changing Motorcycle Oi filter in TVS

Oil filter plays a key role in keeping the engine oil clean and filtering out the tiny particles, and dirt from going to the engines. Over time the oil filters also get degraded like other parts of the motorcycle. So, it’s important to take care of it and get it replaced in the right intervals.

So, How often should I replace my oil filter on a motorcycle? The oil filter should be replaced at least every 2000 to 3000 miles ride if you use mineral oil. If you use synthetic oil then you will have to change it every 7000 -10000 miles ride. So, if you want to keep your oil filter last longer, then always use high-quality engine oil like synthetic oil.

The oil filter should be changed every time you change the engine oil. The frequency of changing the oil filter depends on the type of engine oil you use.

How do you know when your oil filter needs to be changed?

It is not possible to inspect the oil-filter visually because the oil filter is a permanently-sealed metal unit. Also, there is no indicator in the motorcycle that can tell you its current status and remind you to change it.

Here are the symptoms that indicates your oil filter requires replacement:

  • Engine overheating
  • Loss of lubrication in Engine
  • Metallic Sound 
  • A decrease in oil pressure
  • Poor performance
  • Premature engine wear 
  • Dirty Exhaust smoke

These are the issues that your engine will be experiencing internally except the dirty exhaust smoke that can be encountered from outside. Let’s discuss each of the reasons briefly to have a better view.

Engine overheating

It is a common issue that arises when the engine oil loses its lubrication properties. Or we can say that the engine starts overheating due to the lack of engine lubrication.

It can happens primarily because of two major reasons:-

  1. Engine oil has not been changed in the right interval
  2. The oil filter has not been changed

In both cases, one thing that remains constant is the oil loses its lubrication properties. The reason is most obvious if you don’t change the oil filter in a motorcycle for a long time. Then it will get clogged in result the oil filtration will not be effective.

Thus the engine oil will also carry the dirt, metal particles again in the engine. Because of the presence of small contaminate particles the oil will not able to lubricate the engine properly. This will result in the engine overheating problems.

Loss of Lubrication in Engine

Now, you may be thinking of “How to know that there is a loss of lubrication in the engine?”

The most common symptom for this is the increased friction among the engine metal components. Thus, you will hear a metallic sound from the engine.

This can happen if you don’t have changed your oil and oil filter for a long time.

Decrease in oil pressure

If your oil filter has not been changed for a long time then it will result in a decrease in oil pressure. When the oil filter gets clogged over time, its filtration capacity of oil gets reduced and the flow of oil also decreases. Thus, it results in a loss of oil pressure. A pressure change in the vehicle can lead to engine damage.

Metallic Sound of Engine

The engine is made of metal parts that is the reason we need the oil to lubricate its parts properly and keep the components clean also.

But, if the oil filter is clogged then the contaminants of the engine will not be trapped or filtered by the oil filter. Thus, the contaminated engine oil will reflow into the engine resulting in poor lubrication that causes the engine metal sound.

And, if you continue to ride with contaminated oil for someday then it may also result in premature engine damage.

Poor Performance

You will encounter poor performance and extra fuel burning just because you didn’t change your oil filter.

As the oil filter will not be able to filter the engine oil so overtime the oil will contain tiny particles. Over time the build-up of contaminants will diminish the engine capacity to generate power.

Poor performance includes symptoms like the burning of extra fuel, decrease in performance, less speed, etc.

Now, if your engine is overheating then it just showing the ineffective working of engine oil and oil filter.

How often do you change the oil filter with synthetic oil?

As synthetic oil is high performance distilled and much more refined engine oil than regular oil. Thus, it lasts longer than regular oil and it’s less likely to clog your oil filter early.

So, synthetic motor oil lasts longer than regular mineral oil. It will only require you to change the oil and oil filter at least 7000-10000 miles or every year whichever comes first.

Changing the oil filter along with the oil change is the right thing to do if you want your engine to run smoothly and have a longer life.

Do you need to change the oil filter every time the oil changes?

You should change the oil filter every time the oil changes. It is one of the safety steps that can protect the engine and prolongs its life. And, if you didn’t change the oil filter as you change your engine oil. You may encounter issues like engine overheating, poor performance, premature engine damage, etc.

So, in order to avoid the extra mess just change the oil filter as you change the engine oil.


Is it Ok to change oil and not the filter?

The engine requires a good volume of clean oil to operate properly. And, if you don’t change the oil filter then your engine is going to be as dirty as it was even if you change the oil. So, it’s a good habit to change the oil filter also as you change the engine oil.

Should you change the oil filter every time you change the oil?

Changing the oil filter as you change the oil will enhance the lubrication and performance of the engine. So, you should change the oil filter every time you change the engine oil. If you changed the oil without replacing the oil filter, it’ll not do any good and gradually your engine may start to build-up contaminants inside. Protection Status