Are heavier motorcycles harder to ride? Everything you need to know

Man riding the heavier touring motorcycle
Man riding the heavier touring motorcycle

Heavier motorcycles do add extra weight to the rider and provide certain advantages and disadvantages. There has been going a big debate on this question. Thus, in this post, we will go deeper and discuss it briefly. After hours of research and discussion among riders here is what I found.

So, Are Heavier motorcycles harder to ride? Heavier motorcycles are a little harder to maneuver because of the weight, but it provides better grip and stability. You will feel its weight while driving at low speeds. Although, you will not feel any weight as you ride it on the highways at high speed. 

Heavier motorcycles are not hard to ride although they require different skills and discipline to handle than a lighter motorcycle.

If you are an experienced rider then you will not feel any difference in riding a heavier motorcycle. Once you start riding you will not feel any weight of it except in the parking lot. So, you have to practice a bit for the parking lot, maneuvering with it.

Should a beginner start with a heavier motorcycle?

A beginner should start with lighter motorcycles rather than driving heavier motorcycles. Driving heavier bikes may lead to fatal injury because of the incapability to handle the larger motorcycles without any experience or learning.

Generally heavier motorcycles come with higher displacement engines which makes them unsuitable for beginner riders. There are high chances of losing control with a heavier motorcycle than the lighter one. 

So, any beginner rider thinking of buying or learning a motorcycle should start with lower CC and lighter motorcycles. For more information, you should read the below article.

Who should ride heavier Motorcycles?

Heavier motorcycles are best for the riders who have experience of riding motorcycles for a year or two. Because heavier motorcycles require some extra attention and skill while driving and maneuvering.

Maybe some beginners can even drive the heavier motorcycle by learning some tips and tricks of handling it. But the muscle build will be necessary to handle and lift the heavier motorcycles that must be taken into consideration.

Because I have seen many young fewer muscle children riding heavier motorcycles. They are easily able to handle these motorcycles but sometimes accidentally if they fall then they weren’t able to lift the motorcycle by themselves. It requires some extra men’s power to lift the motorcycle.

Thus, make sure if you can lift the heavy motorcycles alone by yourself without any support then only you should drive it. Otherwise, you should not drive a heavy motorcycle simply because you can drive the motorcycle.  It doesn’t qualify you to drive the heavier motorcycle.

Should you drive higher CC motorcycle as a beginner?

Thus apart from learning the motorcycle to ride you will also need to build your muscles to handle it properly. Otherwise, you will be getting your motorcycle and yourself getting injured falling in the parking lot and many other places at a slower speed.

Benefits of riding a heavier motorcycle

There are a lot of benefits of riding heavier motorcycles over lighter ones. Here are some of the benefits stated.

  • As heavier motorcycles come with extra weight, wider & thicker tires, and better suspension. It can easily be able to handle inconsistencies on the road and be stable on potholes, gaps, cracks, etc.
  • Because of being stable on the roads, heavier motorcycles provide you better balance and control while driving.
  • Heavier motorcycles are a good choice to drive in high-speed because it provides more balance, stability, and stick to the road.
  • It’s easier to maintain a straight journey with heavier motorcycles.
  • The most common problem we encounter at high-speed is wind. Although most motorcycles come with a windshield, the extra weight of the heavier motorcycles provides an extra counterweight to strong winds while driving at high speed. 
  • Heavier motorcycles provide extra advantages like less drag in accidents because of the weight.
  • As you have seen the accidents of sports motorcycles. The motorcycles get far away from the rider. So, with heavier motorcycles, these odds can be prevented because of the bulkiness of the motorcycle. Although there is no way your motorcycle is going to walk away without any scratch.

The drawback of riding a heavier motorcycle

  • You may encounter fatal injury if the heavy motorcycle falls over you like bone fracture, crack, etc. Thus, it’s important that you take training from MSF or take instruction with any experienced rider before getting with the motorcycle.
  • It may take a little extra time to achieve the high-speed than the lighter ones because of the heavyweight.
  • Heavier motorcycles are harder to lift because of the extra weight. So, make sure you have practiced lifting the motorcycle.
  • Heavier motorcycles are a little hard and tricky while reversing or parking. Thus, you will have to practice a little and build muscles.
  • Heavier motorcycles require extra attention while cornering. You will have to move your body in that direction while cornering.
  • Heavier motorcycles become headaches because they are hard to move in case of tire punctures, no fuel, accidents, or any other system fault.
  • Due to the high displacements, heavier motorcycles provide low fuel economy than the standard low cc motorcycle.

#Top 5 crucial tips to handle heavy motorcycles for safe riding

Here I have discussed some of the important tips to handle heavy motorcycles for safe riding. We will talk and go through the top 5 tips that will help you to boost your riding experience and confidence.

#Tip1:Build Some muscles

Hit the Gym and Build Some Muscles
Hit the Gym and Build Some Muscles

Riding even light motorcycles requires some strength and with heavy motorcycles, you will have to gain some extra muscles. So, you may have to hit the gym to do some workout exercise to strengthen your muscles. It will not only help you to get muscular and be fit but also the strength to lift heavier motorcycles.

As you will get fit and muscular you will get more attention than a skinny guy. So, make sure to hit the gym before going to fight with heavier motorcycles.

#Tip2:Incline your body while cornering

Incline your body while cornering
Incline your body while cornering

While cornering with the heavier motorcycles you need to put your body weight or foot in the direction of cornering. You must have seen the motorcycle racing where riders with sports motorcycles race with a number of riders.

And you have also noticed that the riders while cornering they move and put their whole body weight in the direction of the corner for better results.

But with the heavier motorcycles, it’s not a safe or right thing to do like shifting a body in that direction. It is an unnecessary thing to do because with heavier motorcycles things are different.

With heavier motorcycles, you just have to lean or incline your body mass in the direction of the corner to have a better and safe cornering. If you are not able to lean your body then you can put your foot down in the direction of cornering which will distribute the weight and help the motorcycle to do better cornering easily.

#Tip3:Keep focus on riding

Keep your focus on riding
Keep your focus on riding

While riding with heavy motorcycles your focus must be on handling and looking ahead on the othervehicles and obstacles . And as you will get comfortable and experience riding you will feel greater confident.

Looking ahead while riding is one of the keys to saving yourself from accidents. Now, it doesn’t mean that you should look somewhere else or nature while touring. As you ride you will gain experience and can do the same as most experienced riders do while riding. Here are some points that you must take care of before shifting your sight from the road.

  • You should only shift your attention from the front when there are no vehicles ahead of you for at least 10m or more.
  • Make sure you have control over the handle before shifting your attention. As you are shifting your attention you may lose balance. Thus, make sure you have practiced it already before trying it on highways.
  • Another most important thing to take care of while shifting your attention from the road. That, shift your attention just for a while and then gets back to the road looking ahead. Otherwise, if you gazed for more time then you may get into some trouble.

The above points are useful only if you want to look somewhere for a moment and then get back to your riding. But if you want to spend some time at any spot then don’t watch it for a moment. Just get your motorcycle on some corner and take your time. I think this is the best way to experience things if you are out with motorcycles.

#Tip4:Keep Practicing

Keep practicing Riding Motorcycle
Keep practicing Riding Motorcycle

As the old quote goes, “Practice makes perfect”. It’s the same with motorcycles also. If you are feeling that you need to improve before taking your heavy motorcycles on the highway. Then you should just focus on practicing on your motorcycle. Even if you have taken a professional motorcycle course and you don’t practice often then it will be of no help. So, practice a lot.

Here are some things that you should practice with your heavy motorcycles for a better ride.

#Tip 4.1:Practice to lift your motorcycle

The first thing you need to learn is to safely practice lifting your motorcycle. In order to safely practice to lift your heavy motorcycle. Here are some things that to take care of.

  • Take your motorcycle to some safe place or lonesome road. Or If you have space in your garage then it is also a good place to practice.
  • Have some cloth or soft paper to put under the motorcycle. Put your motorcycle down and place the soft cloth under the motorcycle body to save it from scratch.
  • Now try to lift the motorcycles with yourself. This is one of the crucial things to practice first because it will help you in the most severe conditions like accidents or accidental falls of your motorcycle. I have discussed

How to lift a fallen heavy motorcycles?

With riding heavier motorcycle there are time when your motorcycle will fall, it can happen for many reason. But you should be able to handle your own motorcycle at that time.

Thus, here are the steps to lift heavy motorcycles that will help small to big guys. Lets start.

Disclaimer: If you have a bad back, joint, or knees, it’s wise to call someone or have roadside assistance rather than lifting the motorcycle alone. Lifting the motorcycles with the below steps may lead to further increasing pain or hurt. So, please don’t lift the motorcycle if you have some medical condition by yourself.


Step 1: Turn off your motorcycle

Turn off your motorcycle with an emergency shutoff switch or with your key. I don’t know how many motorcycles there are that come with emergency shutoff switches. Thus, if your motorcycle has fallen you can switch off your engine by taking your key off the motorcycle.

Step 2: Sweep off the sand

Make sure to sweep off the sand, dust, or debris around your motorcycle. You don’t know where your motorcycle is going to fall. The surface must be clean in order to lift the motorcycle successfully. The grip of tires and our shoes with the surface must be cleaned otherwise you will get slipped and fall with your motorcycle again.

Thus, make sure to clean and sweep the area around your motorcycle so that we can have a better grip on the surface while lifting heavy motorcycles.

Step 3: Put the motorcycle in first Gear

Put the motorcycle in first gear to lock the rear wheel
Put the motorcycle in first gear to lock the rear wheel

Put the motorcycle in the first gear, so that the rear wheel doesn’t roll or move. Don’t hold the clutch otherwise, the motorcycle wheels will start rolling. Now, you will get more into trouble because as you start to lift your motorcycle it will start to move. That’s why it’s important to lock the motorcycle rear wheel while shifting the speed transmission to the first gear.

Step 4: Put off the kickstand

Put off the kickstand of the motorcycle, if the motorcycle is falling with the other side (opposite to the kickstand). It will help the motorcycle to stand when you have lifted your motorcycle upright. You can just leave the motorcycle and it will be upright standing with the support of the kickstand.

But, if the motorcycle has fallen from the kickstand side then also there is no need to worry. Move with the next steps; I have also discussed the steps to lift the motorcycle for the kickstand side also.

Step 5: Sit on the seat making low angle

Sit on the motorcycle to seat making a low angle
Sit on the motorcycle to seat making a low angle

Now, it’s time to take a seat on the motorcycle, sit as low as you can. If you sit on the top of the seat of the motorcycle, you will get less angle to lift the motorcycle.

But if you sit a little low, it will provide you greater angle and strength to lift the motorcycle up with less effort.

Step 6: Grab the handlebar and Fender

Now, with your left hand reach down to and grab the handlebar farthest away from you. If your handlebar is in the direction of the fallen motorcycle otherwise move the motorcycle handle to that direction so that the handlebars get locked.

As, you grabbed the handlebar now grab the motorcycle backpart or fender with your second hand. You thigh or foot power is needed to lift the motorcycle. 

Step 7: Lift the motorcycle walking backward

Set up the position of your legs and be positioned low, and now lift the motorcycle and slowly start walking backward with all your power. With this, your motorcycle will be easily lifted without investing too much power.

Step 8: Get repositioned to lift the rest

Get repositioned to lift the rest motorcycle
Get repositioned to lift the rest motorcycle

It varies from motorcycles to motorcycles. Now, if you have followed the above steps till now, your motorcycle may have already lifted. But, If you own a cruiser then your motorcycle maybe only half lifted. So, in order to fully lift the motorcycle, it’s time to get repositioned so that you can lift the rest motorcycle.

So, get positioned low a little and already grabbed the handlebar and fender lift the rest, and voila you have lifted your motorcycle. Now lay it on the kickstand which we have already put off for this purpose.

But this was the case for the motorcycles fallen from the opposite side of the stand. Let’s look at the other steps to lift the motorcycle if it has fallen from the kickstand side.

Now, what if the motorcycles are fallen from the side of the kickstand?

Here is what you need to do if the motorcycle has fallen from the same side where the kickstand is generally located.

Move your hands to the handlebar
Move your hands to the handlebar

#Step1:Following all the steps that we have already discussed above. You just have to change the position as you get your motorcycle stand on both the wheels upright.

Grab the handlebar and sweep the kickstand
Grab the handlebar and sweep the kickstand

#Step2:Just switch over leaving the fender; grab the second handlebar or seat whatever you feel comfortable and better balanced with. Now sweep the leg and put off your kickstand. 

Boom! That’s all you have to need to do extra steps in order to lift the motorcycle from the kickstand side.

Now, you have learned to lift your heavy motorcycle up with easy methods. Below, I have also provided two youtube videos that’ll help to get a better visual idea to lift two different types of heavy motorcycles.

Note: These Youtube videos are not affiliated links to any Youtube creator. I have just added these videos to give a better insight to readers.


Here is a full video tutorial where Harley Davison staff teaching to lift cruiser motorcycles in an easy way.

Harley Davidson staff lifting teaching to lift the Cruiser

Here is a Youtube video where a women lifts the big touring motorcycle without any help.

A women with red hair teaching to lift touring motorcycles

#Tip 4.2:Practice handling & balancing the motorcycle

Handling and balancing the motorcycle is the core part of riding it. Because if you can handle the heavy motorcycles easily then you have learned 80% of the part.

Here are some things to do to polish your existing skills to handle the motorcycle that will ultimately provide you the confidence to easily maneuver out of the traffic.

  • Try to run your motorcycles at slow speed and make round turns in a certain limited space without stepping your foot off. 
  • Now put some stones or traffic cones at some fixed distances (5m or close) then try to maneuver and ride through that in a zig-zag shape. If possible then try to do it without putting your feet down.

Or if your foot is always going down because of the imbalance then increase the distance between the traffic cones or stones for a while then ride and try to balance.

If you succeeded to easily maneuver with that then reduce the distance and then try to do the same.

Here is a youtube video that shows the training a policeman requires to pass in order to ride a motorcycle. This video will show how you can practice the same and polish your skills better.

If you just practice the above tasks successfully then it will not only help you to master the skill with handling but also give you confidence at balancing it. These tasks will enrich your confidence level in the city traffic also.

#Tip 4.3:Practice Breaking

The other one of the most important practices that you need to do for safe riding is “Breaking”. If you practice applying brakes at the right time then you can save your life and someone other also.

And, also to apply brakes in the meantime immediately, requires much more practice than anything else. You will have to practice a lot so that it can get programmed in your subconscious mind. Most people are bad at breaking so it’s better to practice breaking first.

  • To practice breaking, draw a white line with the help of spray or wheat and try to apply the brake as you ride and stop the motorcycle.

Tip: Always press the clutch before applying the rear / front brake. If you don’t want your motorcycle engine to stop.


Now how will you know that you have becomes good at braking after practicing. Well here are some signs of improvement of practice.

  • If you are new applying brake to the motorcycle. You will tremble and put your both feet down already because of fear or say to balance the motorcycle.
  • Now, as you practice the improvement will take your fear away and you will be more stable and confident while applying the brake.
  • Apart from this, an improvement will happen where you will only put your one foot down to balance and then move on.

So, these were some of the basic improvement signs that will lead your breaking habits to a good level.

#Tip 5:Invest in high-quality Gear

Invest in high-quality Riding Gear
Invest in high-quality Riding Gear

To be safe with riding motorcycles. Even after you have followed all the practice steps and you have become better at riding, but it will take time to be perfect. Also, you may becomes expert at riding motorcycle but keep in mind that you are not alone in the road there are also other vehicles including car, trucks, motorcycles. Thus, its the crucial part of safety motorcyclist that you must wear high-quality riding gear before getting into riding the motorcycle.

Investing in high-quality gear includes full-face helmets, hand gloves, riding shoes, long sleeve jackets, back protectors, etc will help you to be safe.


Are heavier motorcycles comfortable?

Heavier touring motorcycles are comfortable to ride for both the rider and pillion. Depending upon the type of motorcycle the comfort can vary. Like cruiser and touring motorcycles are very comfortable than sports motorcycles.

What is the average weight for heavy motorcycles?

The average weight of heavy motorcycles comes in the range of 800 lbs to 1000 lbs (300 kg – 450 kg) which includes motorcycles like sports, cruiser, and touring, etc. Although, the weight varies depending on the type or style of motorcycle you buy. Protection Status